Dear Friends, Readers, and Supporters,

Many of you have asked how my writing is going since I retired. I am currently putting the finishing touches on my second novel, and looking for an agent. I’ve also been writing short stories.

Bouchercon, the annual world mystery convention, put out a call for stories to be submitted last year. I’m happy to report that my short story Wild Fire was one of seventeen selected, and will be published in their anthology “Killin’ Time in San Diego” in late August 2023. Wild Fire features a female African-American fire investigator whose life is, pun intended, a hot mess.

Amazon Link:

A second short story, titled The Body in the Barrel, was selected for the Partners in Crime/San Diego chapter’s anthology “Crime Under the Sun” published in July 2023. The story was inspired by the real-life discovery of a body in a barrel in Lake Mead in 2022. The barrel had been submerged under the lake for decades, but last year’s historic drought exposed the lake bottom to the surface. You can read the story that inspired the story in the Los Angeles Times:

Amazon Link:

I think all the stories in these anthologies are just great, and hope you get a chance to read them.

Finally, please pardon me for sending this to you if you don’t want to be included. Reply “STOP” and I’ll remove you from the mailing list.

Thank you for cheering me on, and I hope you’ll be hearing more good news from me soon!

Warm regards,

Kathy A. Norris

“Fiction is the truth inside the lie.” –Stephen King

Instagram: @katnor111
Twitter: @KNorrisAuthor